CFMedia Directive to AngularJS

CFMedia is a simple directive to media upload inspired by Wordpress media style and based on the directive ng-file-upload.

It is assumed


angular.module('example', [

In html:

External libraries scripts:

<script src="./bower_components/is_js/is.min.js"></script>
  <script src="./bower_components/ng-file-upload-shim/ng-file-upload-shim.min.js"></script>
  <script src="./bower_components/ng-file-upload/ng-file-upload.min.js"></script>

Directive script:

<script src="./bower_components/cfmedia/dist/cfmedia.min.js"></script>


<div cfmedia
  head="Upload Image">
  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default">View Media Upload</button>


The directive accepts the following attributes:

Option Description
ng-model Required
head Optional. Default value is 'Change Image'. String with the title of the modal.
api Optional. Default value is 'api/media'. String with the route of api media.
url Optional. Default value is '/public/path/upload/'. String with the url to path of public images.
multiple Optional. Default value is true. Boolean with the options to multiples images or not.
return Optional. Default value is 'object'. String with the format to return result, "string" or "object".
If "string" then only return the meta field of image object.
If "object" then return the image object.
accept Optional. Default value is 'image/*'. String with function or comma separated wildcard to filter files allowed.
order Optional. Default value is 'date'. String with the option to order by elements result.
filter Optional. Default value is 'meta'. String with field name of object that contain image name, example: dc3443.png

Factory - Required

Factory with name Media and function with name getAll.

Where getAll return a object list where each object contain a meta field with the name of the image saved in the public folder

If your model not contain a meta field then you should specify the name of the field in the option filter of the directive cfmedia.


The idea is have an only model in order to work with all the images.

Example of Media Model with $http
.factory('Media', ['$http', function ($http) {
  var route = 'media';

  return {

  * Get all element by pagination or not.
  * @param jsonObject : Object to getting the data with pagination. Example of their parameters:
  * {
  * limit : 10,
  * offset: 0,
  * search: ''
  * }
  * @param callback
  getAll: function (jsonObject, callback) {
  method: 'GET',
  url : route,
  params: jsonObject
  .success(function (result) {
  .error(function (error, status) {
  console.log('not access: ', status, error);

Example of Media Model with Restangular
.factory('Media', ['Restangular', function (Restangular) {
  var route = 'media';

  return {
  all : Restangular.all(route),
  service : Restangular.service(route),

  * Get all element by pagination or not.
  * @param jsonObject : Object to getting the data with pagination. Example of their parameters:
  * {
  * limit : 10,
  * offset: 0,
  * search: ''
  * }
  * @param callback
  getAll : function (jsonObject, callback) {
  Restangular.all(route).customGET('', {
  code : 'list',
  limit : jsonObject.limit,
  offset: jsonObject.offset,
  }).then(function (result) { // Success.
  function (error) { // Error from server.
  console.log('not access: ', error);

Installation for used example

Apache Server